Using the intent rather than the domain in your RESTful API

Using the intent rather than the domain in your RESTful API
An alternate approach to using domain CRUD operations in your RESTful API, is to develop it around a resource that reflects a business process or domain event. For example, to split a bill we can POST a request to a split-bill resource. This resource can capture all the information for “splitting” a bill.
The split-bill resource created as part of the POST request can have an identifier to support future e.g. GET requests. Additionally, you can return any created/updated resources as links for the split-bill resource using e.g. the Link Header.
This approach can be useful in context of event-driven architectures, as the resource can map to a command. It is also useful as the resource logically reflects a user operation, and can be treated as an e.g. Audit Log. Another benefit is that a POST to a resource that reflects intent, avoids bleeding internal domain knowledge to callers.
It may not be logical to support all the HTTP methods for an intent based route, but nothing prevents it if required.
A potential POST request/response structure is detailed below:
"bill-to-split" : "/bill/53d88bdc-a37a-11ec-b909-0242ac120002",
"user-to-split-with" : "/user/C6943737-32D5-4CAB-B536-91D1B9540568",
"user-to-split-with-pays-amount" : 10000
Location: /split-bill/E26CC223-E96C-4B24-9AC4-727AE0FE1C94
Link: /bill/53d88bdc-a37a-11ec-b909-0242ac120002: rel=bill
Link: /email/356FF116-A362-11EC-B909-0242AC120002: rel=email